Web3 2023 Metaverse VR Summit by CreativeOwls.io

CreativeOwls.io4.8K views

Step into a world where possibilities are infinite, where innovation knows no bounds, and where the metaverse is taking center stage. The Web3 Leaders Metaverse Summit, hosted by CreativeOwls.io, is poised to revolutionize the digital landscape like never before. This groundbreaking event is set to captivate the imaginations of tech enthusiasts, industry leaders, and visionaries alike, as it unveils the potential of the metaverse and shapes the future of Web3.

Racing Empire

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Merge Survivor: Zombie!
Escape Lockdown

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Spatial Avatar Store

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Into The CYBERVERSE: Episode 1
SPATIAN GUYS [GAME]  - v.1.0.0


2 online

UNRISD - Art of Equality
Backrooms Game
Desert Gallery 2.0 by Thorium Labs
Apex Street Racing
Sniper Legends
GreatMeta, HKU Metaverse for Education (MAR2024)
BIC Art Master Africa Virtual Gallery
School Run Driver
25 aprile @ iVRea

1 online

Mostly Only Up!

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Punch Hero

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Tokyo Kitty Drift🚗GameJam優勝スペース