Unyted Island

Unyted.World1.8K views

The island is one of UNYTED WORLD's many stunning spaces. Meet in a spectacular setting, host big events or after-work parties, or conduct workshops where people need lots of space to work in smaller groups. In-built huge streaming screen, car race, bar and information huts. UNYTED is a metaverse-as-a-service provider with a vision: to build "The easiest way for professionals to create and own their presence in the open metaverse." Check out unyted (dot) space for more info


1 online

Neon Ghost

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Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Racing Empire

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Jailbreak Prison Run

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MCM Wearable Casa
Sniper Legends
نافس - رياضيات
House in Luxor
Sunday Sea Salon
Escape Game : Treasure Island - ENG

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Metaverso Abaco
Airbus 380
Metaverse Academy Campus
School Run Driver
The Cultureverse
メタバースの実証実験キャンパス 17Campus

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Backrooms Game

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