AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos

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Mix with friends no matter where they are in Absolut.LAND by ABSOLUT Vodka & journey to the Cosmos for a digital mixology quest that celebrates the culture of the Cosmo!

Release Date

March 26, 2024

Sniper Legends
Punch Hero

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Buddy Blitz
Into The CYBERVERSE: Episode 1
Escape Lockdown

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Fashion's New World
Ambient Canvas
♨️ Takekage Onsen
Racing Empire

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Rafael Pombo
Stonehenge Summer Solstice
Jailbreak Prison Run
Metaverso Abaco
Apex Street Racing

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GreatMeta, HKU Metaverse for Education (MAR2024)
MCM Wearable Casa
Luna - Flying Jetpack
Meta RIM Art Gallery - 1